Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hola, ¿Que Tal?

I am slowly speeding up. Acceleration is minimal, but still present. It probably helps that my life is going downhill. Or as my inner child likes to prattle, "downhell."

The above is an example of what RAH (Robert Anson Heinlein) called, 'null content.' Oh, sure, you can read something into it and decide that I'm trying to say something. You can go all psychiatric on my tush and say that everything we do says something about us, but I say it says more about the interpreter than it does the interpreted. And truly, all I was doing was putting words together to fit the sentence model I was taught, with nouns, verbs, etc.

Talking/writing and not saying something/anything is practically a necessity for men. Most of us are taciturn by natural inclination, but if we want to get laid (by females) we have to appear to be 'involved.' And that requires 'communication.' Women define this differently than men. And then any man for whom women don't wordlessly take off their clothes and lay down soon figures out what women want to hear and we say it. (You know, there truly are men who have women pursue them... Where's the thrill? Having someone who wouldn't have you is a great memory to look back on!)

Which brings me (FINALLY!) to the point I wish to emphasize today: You're an animal.

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

I've been told I'm an animal by pretty much everyone who's ever seen me eat.