I snapped this photo at Costco this afternoon. I had to wait to get this pic while a husband and wife struggled to get a set of these fine Xmas performers into their shopping cart. It's not for nothing that Costco has huge carts.
After they get this abomination home and plugged in, how many times will they listen to the song or songs in this group's repertoire before just the sight of it makes them want to puke?
The winter solstice holidays have become almost sacred to us; we've become almost slavish in our devotion to Good Cheer. But shouldn't their be
a limit?
Even if you have money to squander what does owning this group do for Good Cheer?
Do they come with midgets inside?
Some people need special props to get their holiday cheer. Maybe they don't get carolers in their neighborhood.
Yeah, and THEN they have to find a place to store them until next year. It's never ending.
I almost took a picture of the huge inflated carosel incased in palstic with xmas characters inside going round in circles to annoying xmas racket that they were selling at the supermarket, but my hands were full. You would have liked it, though.
I like penguins and all, but even I think that's too much.
I would hate to be living next door to that couple. It wouldn't surprise me if a little vandalism occured a few weeks after that eyesore get put up.
Ok, so I can't type. Got...get... whatever.
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