Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Forget B.C. & A.D. ... All Hail B.C.P. & A.C.P.

I read a lot. To hold down the costs (since I am too lazy to use the library) I stop at thrift stores as I'm out and about. (I've driven my first million miles and am working n my second million.) So I buy both paperback and hard-back books. At least 10 a month.

And here's one of the ways I look at literature: Before Cell Phones and After Cell Phones.

Cell phones really did a number on how we interact; they increased our ability/opportunities to connect with people. And did you know that the cell tower you use to make a call or answer a call is logged each time you use your phone? That's a fact of life that really impacts illegal activity. I've heard of insurance companies accessing this kind of information to prove that their policyholders weren't where they said they were when, for example, the insured vehicle was allegedly stolen.

And along with cell phones we can lump in the internet as a technological sibling, in terms of the impact each on us. So B.C.P. & A.C.P also includes the internet.

How different would your favorite BCP book be if it were written today? It bugs me that the Harry Potter series ignores cell phones and the internet...


Nessa said...

I love HP (I'm re-reading OoP right now) but it bugs me that Hermione does not have a computer at home and doesn't use the internet. And one would think that witches and wizards would have a better and easier library system. That bugs the shite out of me. I hate cell phones. I love the internet. Happy Thanksgiving.

Bert Bananas said...

Happy T-Day to you, too, Ms. Nibbles.

Andrew Saavedra said...

Harry Potter is set in the early 90's.

I think that has something to do with it.

Nessa said...

I sarting to have more free time on weekends and need to catch up with the world of technology a bit. Do you still love your Google Mail thingy (see I'm already learning the technical terms)?

Do you save your stuff on disk, too, or everything is on Google and you just trust it won't go away?