Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm not one who normally complains...

But I would like to take the opportunity, on this lambent Sunday morning, to eschew that trait and give vent to, as the Mexicans say, a queja:


I don't like politics. There may have been a time, back when Shirley Gregson's father was running for Mayor of Las Vegas, when I might have thought it was an okay gig. But to give credit where credit is due, it had to do more with how cool Oren Gregson was (not to mention his daughter, yowza!). So I helped get him elected and then learned the ugly truth, that politics makes for strange bedfellows. Or does that go, "Politics makes strange bedfellows of us all"?

That mayoral candidacy in Las Vegas, NV, circa summer of 1961, ended with me in the hospital with serious complications from mononucleosis. (So okay, I was not immune to the allure that are a woman's lips ... sue me.)

But ever since then politics has done all it possible could to annoy, harass and otherwise be an affront to my own personal happiness. And I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that I am, generally speaking, ungovernable. Nope, politics is at it's heart a rotten way to make a living, even if the populace acedes to being governed. And while there may be some merit in the argument that... "Hey, someone's got to do it!" I would not mind taking some time out of my busy schedule to debate that issue.

But not right now. I have to go trim my ear hair.

Thank you and good day.


Leonesse said...

It is a tangled, jumbled mess of dishonesty, one-upmanship, and stupid people with big egos.

Anonymous said...

well for your sake dad, I hope you're dead when I'm sworn in as President.

katrocket said...

I don't like politics/politicians either, but I do like to watch TV, and sadly I get more US based channels than Canadian ones, so for the past 6 months it's been non-stop nonsense with the current delegate races. There's a good reason why we don't televise our own Canadian leadership conventions on TV... BECAUSE THEY ARE REALLY BORING.

paperback reader said...

I was going to vote for your ear hair. What do I do now?

Jana said...

If only the candidates would explode upon uttering a lie or a slanderous comment....ahhhh how wonderful. I'd join pistols in voting for your ear hair too. The only upstanding, honestly interested candidate in the place acting only for the greater good of all attached. The perfect candidate indeed.

Leonesse said...

How much ear hair do you have?