I blew by this blast from the past at about 80 mph. I decided I wanted a photo. I had to slow down to 55 mph and wait a couple of minutes for him to catch up. And then the dude in the passenger seat looked all big and muscley, with a lot of tattoos, so I didn't want to possibly antagonize them, so instead of getting the side shot that I'd wanted, I got this one from the rear.
Iconoclasts that these guys must be, it's doubtful that they'll ever find out about this photo. Unless one of you has an in with the CA DMV and does a run on the plate. And if you do, let me know!!
Beautiful car. I always wanted a 1957 Cadillac Convertable.
bananas, is there something unusual about this car? Lower Alabama is full of them...and as for the tatoos, we got even more of those!
P.S. I posted a comment on this blog a week or so and it never appeared. Too controversial??? That doesn't sound like you.
Ms. Nibbles, you show your age, or the lack there of. This is either a '53 or '54 Chevy.
Ms. Even-Handed Hope, I would NEVER delete a word you cared to share on this blog! The thought of you, stifled, sends shudders through my very being! I would as soon stifle myself, and you know THAT would never happen! So although I had nothing to do with your lost contribution, I offer my sincerest apologies, as well as my evocations of sadness and frustration at the thought of your lost epic.
Now I feel guilty for suspecting you. I guess it was my own Internet ineptitude after all. These things happen. Don't feel bad. Visit my blog to make up for it. We got into a dandy Presidential debate the other day.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Bert expands his expertise into photojournalism.
I'm more into photojerkalism...
Bert....for some odd reason I wasn't able to post a response to your comment on my own blog....so I will post it here:
"Well Bert....I have missed your comments!
Yes, Owen is the main topic of conversation on my blog....
remember, the title is "Awaiting Buddha" which really meant waiting for my first grandson.
He is a cutie, isn't he? : )
Grammie, I messed around with your settings and excluded you from posting on your own blog...
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