Thursday, February 15, 2007

Simpleton Economics for Complex Times

I have a household. I don't run it, but I fund it. With my wife's help, I have learned that I have to put more money in the bank than she writes checks for. It's a simple system that doesn't require budgeting. I put money in, she writes checks. If the balance is lower than the total of the checks she's writing, I have to hurry to put more money in. Deadline depositing it's called. We've been making it work!

The United States of America doesn't follow my system. If I could print money, I wouldn't have to follow my system either...

In December the people of these United States collaborated with our various levels of government to send more money overseas than was spend by denizens of other countries here in the United States. A lot of that money is LOANED back to us, and we pay it back, with interest. I haven't taken the trouble to, but surely someone has totaled all those monthly deficits... I bet it's a big, big figure. The yearly deficits were $763.6 billion in 2006, and $716.7 billion in 2005. That's $1.480 Trillion. (You just HAVE to capitalize Trillion!)

I'm too simple a person to know when, if ever, this is going to snap back and bite us (US). Is there anyone defending this balance of trade deficit? Anyone saying, "It's a good thing..."?

What does one man do?


Nessa said...

I guess the government believes in negative numbers.

paperback reader said...

One man shuts the hell up and maxes out the credit cards, that's what! It's morning in America again, Bert. Trickle down economics will fix it all, you'll see...just give it a are getting sleepy...