Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm not just another pretty face...

Yesterday, after golf, I was reading & lounging just outside my office. (It used to be a bedroom, but hey, if the kids are going to run away to college, I'm not holding their rooms for them.)

I have a metal rocker/recliner just out the sliding glass door. There's a hummingbird feeder at the end of the portico, so that as I recline there, these tiny little birds are about 12 feet from me.

I'd always figured that taking a photo of one and posting it was trite to the max, especially as they are pretty boring looking as still lifes. Poetry in motion, but not much to look at when they're still. But then this guy shows up. All the other ones perch on the ... perches. But this one wouldn't. He/she would do her business while in flight. I consider that a form of purism and so since I'm a purest, I had to admire him/her. So I grabbed my paints and easel, put up a canvas and painted him/her. Then when the painting was done, I took this photo of it. You can see that I had trouble capturing the blur of the wings.

My wife like the painting so much that she taped it to the frig. The one with some fudge still in it.

(That's one of my gripes with blogging, your time lines suffer because they stack them most recent first.)


The Guv'ner said...

So're going to tease us by not posting a picture of the painting? You mean, mean man!

paperback reader said...

You're a lot like Henry Miller in your graphic sexual prose and demands that we all Stand Still Like the Hummingbird.

Leonesse said...

I just came for the fudge.

katrocket said...

pretty birdy!

I'd like some fudge, too.