Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How to Stifle an Orgasm

There are many of us men who enjoy the art of orgasm. Okay, maybe it's a science? I don't have the answer, but if any of you women do, I'd be interested in knowing: Who makes a better lover, an engineer or a creative blogger?

One answer I do have is that a man who achieves an orgasm in 2.8 seconds is considered by most women to be a thief. I apologize in advance...

So right away you can see the relevance of this woman's photo. I borrowed the image from a site which had also borrowed the image. But I suppose if you steal something from a thief who just stole that something, it's still a crime. Hopefully humanitarian considerations will get me off with house arrest. (hee hee! I said, "...get me off..."!)

So, we get to the heart of the situation. I would no more want to make sweet love to this woman that I would to ..., to ... a picnic table!

Right at this moment, the scroll down has cut of the lady's head. And without the hair-do, I can't tell it's a female! That, when it comes to sex, is never a good thing. And I think most heterosexual men would agree, we enjoy those secondary mammalian treats. I mean, traits...

So to all my favoritely-placed blogger women: thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my crotchetal well of goodness.


Leonesse said...

Please, someone give her an m-n-m.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome Boit!

Someone make that poor woman a sammich!

katrocket said...

Eeeew. And that's not a jealous "eeeew".

Good news Bert - yesterday, France passed new laws for the fashion industry, banning them from using uberthin models like this in fashion advertising and runway shows. The UK, other EU countries, and Canada are expected to follow suit over the summer. Hopefully meatier boobs are in everyone's future.

paperback reader said...

Don't knock picnic tables until you try them so often your neighbor gets video of it.

Bert Bananas said...

Meatier Boobs is a great name for girl porn band!

The Guv'ner said...

Are we feeling a little hormonal today, Mr. Bananas? Do you need a hug?