Friday, October 27, 2006

Mi Casa is not Su Casa

Or, When in Rome, Drive Faster.

I took this about a month ago. I understand enough Spanish to figure out that this was a rolling ad by an insurance agency to make a bit more money. I asked my agent about it and he told me that the company I'm with would not issue an insurance policy to someone without a license. I was curious and called the number and found out which insurance company would. It's a national company and maybe I should have pursued the matter and called some Vice President of Politically Correct Outside the Box Earnings to hear the spin that allowed them to write these policies, but I didn't.

In my state the people who don't have licenses, and who would still want insurance policies, fall into basically two categories: illegal aliens and undocumented immigrants, depending on your point of view. As such they join an even bigger crowd, People for the Ethical Treatment of Themselves. (And they get to describe just what that treatment is.) People for the Ethical Treatment of Themselves is very much in favor of getting things that the rest of us have to work for. Of course, I could always just drop out and become a member or People for the Ethical Treatment of Themselves.

But I'm not going to. And hey, I'm not bitter. I'm too busy doing two things: Enjoying my life and dreaming of commiting violence on other people.

What's your excuse for not joining People for the Ethical Treatment of Themselves?


Roby said...

i've been a proud member since 1985

Nessa said...

I don't love myself enough to join.

Or perhaps I'm so boring, I don't have enough illegal or disgusting behavior to hide, to join.

Or perhaps, like you, I'd rather spend my energy doing things besides hiding, to join.

Gattina said...

Strange, laws must have changed in Burgina Faso. Last time I have been there we didn't need a licence to walk around. Maybe now there are bicycles ?

Bert Bananas said...

Dang! You've sussed me out, Gattina! I'm not actually in Burgina Faso...

L. said...

Bert? Where have you been? I miss your sarcasm!
(and I just recommended your blog to my readers as one of my favorites) C'mon, post.
: )