Friday, October 06, 2006

Brain Brews

Or, You are how you Think.

It may just be a convenience to suppose that how your brain operates is a function of the DNA instructions that built it. Which is another way of saying that people at both extremes of any behavior continuum didn't really chose to be there. Like us gay people, who simply can't help being gay. (As in happy...) People tell me that I have a delightful personality, to which I modestly respond that it's just my brain brew.

This is all well and good for those of us comfortably in the middle of the continuum. Think of it as a bell curve; the majority of us are in the middle. Thus we are "normal."

Problems arise at both ends of the continuum. Saints and sinners make many of us "normal" people uncomfortable. I think most of our politicians come from the extremes. Okay, from one extreme...

I've met kids whom you could tell were headed for the sinner extreme and while carefully avoiding getting involved, I've wondered if something could be done for them, like messing with their brain brew. But who would be in charge of such decisions? It couldn't be a "normal" person, could it?


Nessa said...

Oh, messing with brain brew is a sore subject with me. People are too quick to dump chemicals into brains, Prozac, Ritalin, etc. It has been shown in studies that behavior modification works better than drugs.

When my daughter was in kindergarten, the teacher wanted me to put her on Ritalin because she was hyperactive. Bullshit. She talked alot and the teacher couldn't handle her. I'm glad I didn't cave in to "professional" pressure.

I haven't met a person yet, and I know quite a few, who are on Prozac type drugs who haven't gotten dumber because of them and they are not better functioning people.

Bert Bananas said...

Because I don't visit doctors or seek assistance on any kind, I'd forgotten (really!) about all the people who mess with their own brain brews and allow "experts" to mess with the brain brews of those over whom they have responsibility.

Remember "Flowers for Algernon"?

Anyway, I suppose that it's not the messing with that I wonder about, becauase maybe there are people who are being helped. Nope, I just wonder about who does the deciding and their motives.

Nessa said...

I know that in some extreme cases, medication is very helpful. But I don't think enough thought and care is given before medication is used. I think most times medication is used as an easy, instant solution and becasue of this I suspect anyone who makes these decisions.

As an everyday example, I site the use of antibiotics. Studies and anecdotal evidence shows that the more they are used, the less they work, yet so many parents take their kids to the doctors for a prescription of antibiotics when their children have the sniffles and the doctors write the scrip. When the bird flu hits, these children will not be able to use antibiotics to help them. A better solution (but it requires more work) is to wash your hands with regular soap and water, get more sleep, eat healthier foods, use warm steam, etc.

The people making the decisions are parents and care givers with the collusion and insistance of health care providers who are sponsored by big drug companies and their motives are comfort for themselves and money.

Legal drug use/abuse is a special pet peeve of mine, sorry.

Anonymous said...

"Studies and anecdotal evidence shows that the more they are used, the less they work, yet so many parents take their kids to the doctors for a prescription of antibiotics when their children have the sniffles and the doctors write the scrip."


Bert Bananas said...

Nibbles, pay no attention to Roby. His parents over-medicated him with over-the-counter sexual steroids and then puberty tickled his fancy...

Nessa said...

Bert, Roby can't be all bad, he agreed with me, always a sign of intelligence.

Bert Bananas said...

Fine! You pay for his college then!

Anonymous said...

Roby sounds like a good kid, which means his parents did something right. :)

I don't like to take meds or give them to my kids unless I have to.

Bert Bananas said...

"...unless I have to..." Which raises the question, who gets to say you have to?