Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Intent & Intentions

You know how it's said that most of the games men play are substitutes for war? No reason to doubt this, is there? And the intent in war is to win battles, and ultimately to cause the utter defeat of the enemy, drink his blood and date his little sister.

Except for Golf. Sure, golf has winners and losers, but which one you'll be on any given day is always up in the air. There's no finality to the competition. As soon as one round ends, you're arranging the next round. And the competition is actually 'rigged' so as to make it harder for the better of two players to beat the lesser player. It's called the handicap system. It's like if you can run the 400 meters twice as fast as I can, I get to start the race at the 200 meter point. That's obviously not how we run a good war!

Even the rules of golf are designed to remove unintended actions from effecting the outcome. And in the heat of what pitched battle would you expect your opponent to always tell the truth and to call penalties on himself? Yep, just golf.

This post has no hidden meaning or agenda. It's simply in praise of mankind finally finding someway to express his competitive nature in a fashion that is not in similitude to our species' endless wars.

But by no means does should this be construed to mean that a man who does NOT cheat at golf will not cheat in other aspects of his life.

You've been warned.

Thank you and good night.

1 comment:

katrocket said...

I do believe you've discovered a loophole in the "Game is war" debate!