Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Christian Religion Stopped to say Hello

That's the nice thing about some of the Christian Religions, they're friendly.

And is there anything more entertaining than talking to someone who isn't listening to what you're saying, but rather waiting for you to shut up so they can tell you that you're THIS CLOSE to being saved?

It would really be great if the Scientologists went two by two out into the world to preach the word of L. Ron Hubbard. Or stood in parking lots or by busy intersections handing out autographed photos of Xenu and maps of where their churches are...

Hey, where are their churches and what's at the top of their steeples?


Anonymous said...

On top of their steeples is a big old effigy of Tom Cruise tonguing John Travolta. That's what I've heard.

katrocket said...

I'm not a fan of Scientology (unless we're making fun of it), but I would definitely accept an autographed photo of Xenu. What a stellar marketing idea, Bert! It would look awesome in my office - framed and hung next to my autographed pic of General Zod.

Jilly said...

bert, they'll tell you what you want, but they'll need your credit card number first.

we only get jehova's witnesses at our door and with a nice smile and "we're methodists" they go right away. mormons don't care about baltimore, and the other resligions don't go door-to-door either, so we're pretty safe.

Leonesse said...

I would love an autographed pic of Xenu!