Sunday, November 04, 2007

I Sh*t You Not... I may be in trouble!

The first part of the above title was borrowed from Robert Wuhl, and his Assume the Position shows on HBO; really good stuff... The second part is business as usual.

I jokingly (really!) referred to the 2nd Coming an hour or so ago in a post. Then I wondered what people are saying about it seriously. And even for me, who resists being shocked like a well ground lightening rod, I was staggered by what Google revealed to me. There is a person of a religious persuasion who has some very definite 'knowledge' about the soon -to-arrive Messiah. Here's a quote:

"From now until the latter part of 2008, many prophecies are going to begin to be fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. Those thunders are revealed in this book, as well as detailed accounts of the final three and one-half years of man's self-rule on earth, which are recorded in the account of the Seventh Seal of Revelation.

Some of these prophecies concern the demise of the United States over the next year, which will be followed by man's final world war. This last war will be the result of clashing religions and the governments they sway. Billions will die! This time will far exceed even the very worst times in all human history.

As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.

This book is primarily directed to the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham. Ronald Weinland has been sent to all three.

So there ya go. Ronald Weinland, profit(sic) of God. You have to ask yourself, "What does Ron know that I don't know." I have a question: Ron says that the coming times will '...exceed even the very worst time in all human history." Is Ron referring to the Carter Presidency? If not, how would he know when the 'very worst time in all human history was"? Isn't that a very subjective observation?

Anyway, if Ron is correct, I'll see you all in hell.


paperback reader said...

I imagine our worst time was when we thought fringe looked really good on everything.

Leonesse said...

I am sold. How do I send Ronald all of my money? Surely he is a profit of major magnitude.

Jana said...

Don't send this guy any money, never encourage the profit, because according to Jesus He's the only one saying He'll be back and we'll know it when He shows up because of the way he shows up, won't be any mistaking it at-tall.
And no, you won't get to go to hell, sorry, heaven is for all of us, even the non-believers.
Hell - for us all- is the final discussion about sins of life, a meeting with the Big Man, followed by the final words we'll speak in this human form - "I believe in Jesus".