It cost the males $5 each to get in. The women all got in free. What does this say about which sexual organs are more valuable to commerce? And who am I to disagree?
The concert was bone jarringly, ear drum splittingly, individual-note-discernment impossibly loud. After .7 second of sound check I had begun the process of fashioning ear plugs. It takes a few seconds to make good ones, and I invested the time. Of those over 30 in our group, I was the only one without a headache when the performance was over. And we were way at the back.
All those under 30 had moved up closer so they could hear better.
Our boy seemed happy with his and the band's performance. And you know how it is with parents, we were just happy that he was happy, although I wouldn't have minded my $5 back.
There should really never be a moment where kids and parents listen to the same sort of music. As a child, I looked through my father's record collection, and instantly knew all those bands were off-limits.
You guys need to all come and see Tony Spunk get loud and dirty. I also need to adopt that thing about the ladies getting in free, cuz then I might get some more action.
Rule #1: If anyone is performing that is under the age of say....30... take EARPLUGS!!!!!! Those funny sponge things fit tight down in your canal and don't show.
Good luck and congratulations on a paying career for your son!
Whoo hoo, a Bananas Family Band!
Would this be your youngest son and did you get any footage of the performance?
Ms Hog, it was indeed Andrew. I did footage, but I've been afraid to view/listen to it.
Bert! This was one of those golden opportunities to use the phrase "We're with the band." and score yourselves some free admission and drinks!
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